The truth about modeling photography.
Your portfolio is only as good as your weakest shot. If yo look great in most of your shots, but lousy in one or two, an agent will most likely only remember the bad ones.
Myth: "All I need to get started is a Polaroid or a snapshot."
Reality: Although a Polaroid or a snapshot might get you in the door to be seen by an agency, better pictures will eventually be needed- and they will always be at your own expense.
Myth: 'If an agency wants me, they will pay for everything I need to get started."
Reality: Contrary to popular myth and lots of wishful thinking, only a very small handful of agencies will occasionally advance money to models and only to those models that have signed long term exclusive contracts with them... plus, the model will be required to sign some sort of loan agreement that will state that the model will have to pay that money back at some point (plus interest)- so all models end up paying in the end for their materials one way or another.
Myth: "I have a friend that has a friend that will be able to take suitable pictures for me to get started."
Reality: Many new models make the career killing mistake of going on casting with amateur looking photos taken by well meaning family members or friends.
A certain quality and/or energy level in photos is expected, and most friends and amateur photographers simply do not know how to help pose or direct new models to assure that the will come across with a strong, professional look.
Wedding photographers, school photographers, portrait photographers, "photo day photographers, student photographers, "pin up" photographers, glamour photographers usually can't produce the proper results.
Believing the myth, that someone will actually sign you as a paid model because of amateur photos or a couple of blurry snapshots, is also wishful thinking, and going on castings with such photos will only serve to brand you as an amateur... making it very difficult for anyone to take you seriously. If you expect to work on a regular basis; you need to visually prove that you can look like a real model.
Angela's week in NYC!

Here Angela is at a test shoot with Elizabeth Waugh, a fashion photographer based out of NYC. Elizabeth has an extensive client list that ranges from commercial to editorial. You can view Elizabeth's portfolios at her website: http://www.elizabethwaughphotography.com
Calvin Klein, Valentino, Ralph Lauren, Nicole Miller, Louis Vuitton, Bennetton, Andrew Fezza, Emanuel Ungaro, Joeph Abboud, Ann Klein, Bobbi Brown, and Dolce & Gabbana, Liz Claiborne, Marzotto, Johnson & Murphy, Andrea Jovine, Avon, Bloomingdale's, Macy's, and Kohl's!
American Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Marie Claire, Vanity Fair, W Magazine, GQ, Esquire, POV, Martha Stewart's Brides, Brides, InStyle, Fashion of The Times.

Please take a peak at his website and be amazed at his talent! You'll also see one of our other top discoveries in his Fashion Portfolio, the lovely and talented BEKAH JENKINS: http://www.jefflicata.com/
Angela then had a booking for Libertarian Magazine that was shot on the streets on New York!

The Wilhelmina Model Search!

Allison is one of the lucky ducks that was selected for Wilhelmina Model Managements agency in Miami, Fl.
Wilhelmina Model Management office in NYC flew down the lovely, Fuji to attend the searches and award photo tests and contracts. It was a long work weekend, especially with his delayed flight in Atlanta on his way home... but the amazing talent that Wilhelmina now has because of his efforts was way worth it.

From the left: Angela, Linda, Fuji, Peter, and Erin.
A few of the models that were already signed to Wilhelmina by us were at the model searches sitting on the judges panel helping evaluate the talent during their one on one interviews with Linda, Peter, and Fuji. Angela and Erin are talented models with great experience in the modeling industry. Thanx for all the help ladies!!
What kind of model are you?
Male and Female
Ages 5- 11 years of age are selected for two distinct categories...
1. Fashion- the traditional "pretty" or "handsome" faced children with nice teeth, hair, and smile.
2. Personality- freckles, cowlicks, missing teeth, and a great character!
Male and Female
All ages, sizes, and shapes to fit into product advertisements.
Must be photographic.
Personality is very important!
1. Woman:
-ages 12 and older.
-5'7" and over, unless still growing.
(However, in the fashion markets in Japan models are accepted under 5'7" if all measurements are in proportion, beauty models may also be shorter.)
-hip and chest measurements are in proportion.
-hips no bigger then 36 inches.
2. Men:
-ages 12 and older.
-excellent physical condition is a must.
-men can be fine features to rugged appearance.
-height should be between 5'11" and 6'3".
-body tones, but not too pumped.
-jacket size of 40 to 44 long.
There are also, plus sized, full figure, lifestyle, fitness, body, missy, and many more different model types!!!
Marie Elena Headpieces in Miami (Rayna)
Jewelry Editorial! :)

We are so proud of our RAYNA!!!
Sarah and G. Love Music video

Video of Rayna's NYC photo shoot!

Rayna is known for her gorgeous red locks! Stylist love to get their hands in that hair and tease away! You can see in the video that there is a great deal of prep work that goes into a shoot!

Here is the final product after a long day of work!
Linda Bennett PODCAST on fashiontribe.

KAYLA for envi prom

Kayla has been modeling for the past 4 years with Race Model Management of NYC, Factor Model Management of Atlanta, Elite Model Management of Miami, and Visions L.A.


Model Scout Bennett will be in the Gulf Coast dodgeball tournament!
We are excited to be apart of this charity event! They still are excepting teams if you wanna compete against our beautiful models. Theyallowing 6 person teams with 4 subs, so we are going to choose 10 amazing models to win the $1,000 prize!
Click this link for more info:
Rayna for FOREVER 21

angela booked Urban Outfitters


Linda also has become a fashion icon on the Emerald Coast by writing for the local newspapers in her very own fashion article. She is now syndicated in over 300 newspapers online! Covering the latest trends and fashion events that this area has to offer.